Smart leasing from AzurDrive is integrated with the Connected Car platform of the SDL, which allows remote diagnostics of the technical condition of cars, assess driving safety, monitor the location of vehicles and their entering-exiting certain geofences. The "connected" fleet already consists of more than 500 cars, and in 2022 the companies plan to increase their number to 3 thousand.
Connected Car platform data allows the lessor to track and analyze the movements of rental cars and information about speeding and sudden maneuvers. During the testing of the AzurDrive system, we conducted a study comparing the data of "connected" cars with the average indicators of their fleet. The experiment showed that drivers, knowing that their behavior being controlled on the road were much less likely to receive fines and get into an accident.
Says Svetlana Kalganova, Director of Technology and Processes at Azur Drive: "This tool significantly increases the transparency of the relationship between the lessor and the client, reduces the costs of fleet management and insurance, and also allows you to aggregate big data for individual scoring. All this directly or indirectly leads to the solution of the main problem of leasing development in Russia - accessibility for the mass consumer. In addition, the integration of the data we collect with the Connected Car platform data reduces the bureaucratic burden on the business."
Notably automation is implemented by integrating the Lab platform with the AzurDrive scoring and fleet management system. Data on the movements, violations and driving patterns of each client are automatically transmitted to the leasing company and can be used to calculate individual tariffs. Since the Lab's solution is accredited by all major insurance companies, the calculation of the Casco insurance, taking into account the discount for the use of telematics, is done for each client individually.
Besides Connected Car solutions provide additional benefits to AzurDrive's commercial customers. They, for example, get access to structured data from the SDL and AzurDrive platforms, which they can analyze with special tools in the mobile application and web interface. It is a ready-made infrastructure for the control and planning of fleet-related business processes. The client and the landlord have the whole picture before their eyes, so the solution of any issues - from maintenance and repair to the analysis of an accident becomes purely technical. The functionality of the monitoring system allows you to accurately restore the circumstances of an accident: the dynamics of acceleration or braking before a collision, the speed and position of the car.
Says development Director of the company "Smart Driving Labs" Timur Kuzeyev: "In addition to the obvious financial benefits at the time of purchase of the car, the lessee significantly reduces operating costs. Imagine that an entrepreneur leases several cars, for example, for a small delivery business. In the vast majority of cases, connecting a full-fledged fleet management system is an inaccessible or very expensive option for him. And then he gets a full-fledged virtual monitoring center, which he can open in his smartphone at any time. He knows where his cars are, how they are operated, how fuel is consumed, estimates the expenses in advance and instantly finds out if the car has a malfunction message or gets into an accident."
SDL solutions are also used to ensure the safety of the AzurDrive fleet. For example, each car is equipped with autonomous search devices, remote theft prevention systems. Specialists of the Lab’s dispatch center monitor the safety of cars around the clock. In case of theft, both the employees of the SDL and the dispatchers of AzurDrive can return the car together with the help of police or other rapid response services.
"Smart leasing" assumes that maintenance and repairs are performed by the lessor. Connected Car technologies provide additional opportunities to improve the system of providing such services and support car owners in case of breakdowns or accidents. The Lab's equipment collects and transmits mileage data, data on technical failures with diagnostic system error codes and accident data to the AzurDrive fleet management system in real time. This simplifies the planning of regular maintenance and allows you to ensure the repair of cars in the shortest possible time.