More than half of our customers (62%) improved their average driving behavior by receiving feedback fr om the Element telematics system. At the same time, experts fr om the Smart Driving Laboratory noted an interesting correlation: the worse the driver drove in the first month of using the system, the more he improved his performance later. About half of the drivers (47%) of those who initially drove “excellent” improved their road behavior even more. In other words, when a person sees real indicators of how he drives a car, he is motivated to improve his own accuracy on the roads.
Drivers who just installed the system made an average of 7 sharp maneuvers (including accelerations, changing lanes and sharp braking) and 10 speeding for every 100 km. After the first month of use, drivers began to make 17% fewer abrupt maneuvers and 29% less speedings.
The study showed that almost all drivers violate the speed lim it. However, after a month of using the Element system, car owners are less likely to exceed speed, on the average, the number of violations decreased from 10 to 7 times per 100 km. At the same time, owners of all brands of cars, including premium brands, whose driving style was less calm compared to the rest, began to violate less. So, Porsche drivers reduced the number of excesses by almost 30%, from 19 to 14 times per 100 km. Owners of Land Rover and BMW began to violate the speed lim it less often by 20% and now make an average of 13 and 11 excesses per 100 km, respectively. The drivers of Toyota showed themselves most of all: 39% began to ride softer and reduced the number of speed violations from 11 to 7.
The most relaxed drivers were owners of middle-class cars (Hyundai, Renault, Ford, etc.). Motorists on Renault, for example, exceed a speed of about 5 times per 100 km; before installing the system, they committed an average of 8 violations. In addition, even the neat Lifan and Citroen drivers, who exceeded the speed by an average of 7 times per 100 km, improved this figure from the first month of using the telematics system by another 20%.
Mazda drivers behave most accurately on roads, they are more than twice as likely to make sharp maneuvers, performing 2 dangerous actions instead of 5. Lexus drivers also significantly changed their road behavior and began to perform dangerous maneuvers on the road 42% less reducing their number from 9 to 5 for every 100 km. Owners of Mercedes-Benz and Audi have improved their driving style by more than 25%.
Alexander Morozov, director of the Department of Statistics and Analytics of the Smart Driving Laboratory, spoke about the importance of using telematics: “We conducted an in-depth study, in which we found that artificial intelligence directly affects improving road safety. Receiving feedback on driving style from our company, car owners can control the number of speed violations and sudden maneuvers. In the future, this helps them to improve their driving style, not only in order to save on car maintanance, but also to increase the safety of all road users. ”
Many motorists are still skeptical on using telematics systems. However, the results of the study showed that there is an effect from the use of such innovative solutions, and it is quite significant. Our system allows you to see all the data about the car, about driving process, and artificial intelligence develops recommendations on how to drive safer.
The data was obtained from vehicles equipped with the Element telematics device. For a comparative analysis, we took data for the 1st month of using the system and for the period December 2018 - March 2019.